This series has been quite a long guilty pleasure of mine, and honestly I think it's kinda on a downwards curve. Each new episode only has 5 new pussymon and 1 new scene, which is honestly disappointing. On a more positive note, I love the 3 animation per pussymon thing. Since I'm a massive fan of anal and buttjobs, I'm glad it's an option in all of them. The care point and skill point thing is also handy, however maybe making the higher level girls drop more points might be interesting. Overall, the series feels like it's gotten lazier. What's here is still as good as it was, but there definitely isn't as much for what's a month's worth of work. Unless you're working on something bigger in the background, Ideally adding more pussymon per episode would be the best addition you could make. Maybe broadening the poses and animations a little? Regardless, This series is definitely both promising and offers something that none of the others have, and I feel like with a tad more work, this series could be fucking wonderful. Also, scenes with the main characters would be nice. You've definitely been doing that a lot in recent instalments, which is welcome, but the last few episodes have only had 1 or 2 scenes, which is dissapointing. Something I have noticed is that your English has gotten way better, which is making the dialogue quite a bit more enjoyable, great job. Overall, This episode and other recent episodes are good, but there isn't enough content to make the month's wait worth it. If you end up reading this, PLEASE add more content next time or sometime soon, I have a feeling the lack of new content is disappointing a lot of people, and I feel like people would be more interested in helping the series grow on patreon (Myself included) If you added more content in each episode than you used to. Hell, if you need more than a month to add a lot of content to one episode, I'd recommend it. Episode 19 had to be my favorite in terms of content, even if the wait was way longer. To sum it up. Good, but please add more next time.